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About us

  公司简介 上海伊摩贸易有限公司是一家具有独立进出口经营权的企业,旗下品牌伊摩酒庄全心致力于法国葡萄酒的进口与销售,主营进口原装法国的葡萄酒系列产品,旗下有伊摩酒庄。   公司秉承以“道德”为经营观, 以“规范”为方法论,以知识丰富的专业人才为后盾,为消费者打造有品味、有质量的精致生活提供优质的产品及周到的服务。   公司拥有的管理团队,并以务实、创新的企业文化凝聚了一批高素质的专业人才。凭借广泛而扎实的企业资源,公司在行业竞争中蓬勃发展,而的管理机制、丰富的市场营销和推广经验,保障了公司的活力,促进了公司的迅速发展。 珍夏故事 法国人喝的酒,TRESOR(珍夏),法语中宝藏的意思。不是所有葡萄酒都能称之为宝藏,称之为珍夏。 每个消费层次都有属于他的珍夏葡萄酒。品尝每一杯珍夏酒时,如同经历了一趟奇幻的寻宝之旅。珍夏这个名字所蕴含的的意义,更预示了一段注定传奇的故事的开始。 共享欢乐,珍夏时刻! 法国人喝的酒,珍夏! ABOUT US Shanghai yimo trade Co., Ltd. is an enterprise which can import and export independently. Our brand EMO MANOR specialized manage the classic wines of France in China. The main mission of Shanghai yimo trade Co., Ltd. is to provide the high quality products and attentive service to help people to create a luxury life. Shanghai yimo trade Co., Ltd. has the excellent management team, and has clustered a number of high-quality professionals with the innovative corporate culture. With the extensive and solid corporate resources, the company's competitive abilities became more stronger day by day. And the leading management rules and the rich experience in marketing and promotion, promote the company's rapid development.